The coughing room

I guess the coughing room would be the best description of my bedroom right now… Tissues everywhere and constant sneezing and coughing.

I don’t even have any voice left.

I still went to school again, but it was worth it. I had lots of important subjects, so now I don’t need to catch up from that… Tomorrow anyhow, I’m not going to go.

In religion class today we discussed what the origin of religion is. Where do you think it comes from? What is the oldest religion on earth? I personally think it comes from experience. Apparently my opinion is based on the sociological approach coming from Emile Durkheim… It states that every-one has a religion, which in my opinion is true, and starts with experience and perception. A person coming from another religion will not understand yours. Then there is the physical approach that is closely related which says that religion comes from a psychological need, a desire that prevents us from doing bad things. I’m not sure I totally agree with that, but it sure is related. On the complete other side is the evolutionary and metaphysical approach. The evolutionary one comes from James Frazer, and he made a distinction between magic and religion. Humans realized they didn’t have control of all forces and religion therefore came out from animism; the believe in spirits and ancestors. The metaphysical (Herbert Spencer) approach states that religion is a part of the human’s mental process. Religion is a metaphysical speculation of the unknow.

Sorry to bore you with this, but I find it quite interesting. What approach do you think is the right answer to where religion comes from?

My school is actually one of the very few IB schools that have religion in addition to the other subjects… But it is an interesting study so I don’t really mind, except it’s an extra subject to study for the exams…

After school I had rehearsal. It was actually a lot of fun! (Even if my voice cracked all the time). We blocked the rest of Summer Love and the director is soo good ! He knows how to do everything just like that. He just uses his brain and comes up with the perfect choreography!

Anyway, I got home ate and then I had to get out again! I had to choose between handball and Amnesty International. Since I was sick and Amnesty is only once a month, I went to the Amnesty meeting. We discussed the Candle Campaign that we’re going to do. Basically we sell candles in public in order to make money. I am now also responsible for the ooh no. What do you call it ! It’s when you execute a person that has done a bad thing… Whatever, if you understand what I’m talking about feel free to share any facts on it with me !

Now I’m sitting here by myself, in my room, sneezing and coughing with a hurting throat. You don’t wish you were me ! Trust me. (Even if I’m not going to school tomorrow hehe… 😉

Outfit of the day:

And you know how much I love pictures of nature so…

Have you realized how hard it is to take pictures of a flame?

Entertainment of the day:

Get inspired for some skateboarding here!

Quote of the day:

“Skipping isn’t for everyone.  Getting out of our comfort zones for a momentary skipping escape takes guts.  It is much more difficult than many realize.  Our ego likes to feel in control and is afraid of what others will think…. When we can learn to simply observe our ego’s fear and then choose to skip on despite it, we develop the spiritual strength necessary for inner peace.”  ~Kim Corbin

Hope you’re feeling good! If you are, then think about those who are not and think how lucky you are! If you are sick, you can suffer with me 🙂

About Emilie

Hey! Im a half norwegian, half french girl living in Belgium! This year Im starting the IB at St. Johns international school. I would like to share my way through the IB and hopefully hear from other IB students out there ! My subject are HL: Geography, drama and English A2. SL: Math, physics, Norwegian A1 Feel free to share anything on your subjects too!!
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